3. Int. Trends in Lighting Forum & Show

24.- 26. September, 2019 | Bregenzer Festspiele
Mit folgenden Präsentationen von Ruairí O‘Brien:
- Tag 1 – 24. September, 11.00, Parkstudio, Inside the Pyramids – „Light Where There Should be Darkness“
- Tag 2 – 25. September, 11.00, Saal Bodensee, „Dynamic Light and Urban Spatial Artworks“
TiL2019’s Programm: https://www.forum-trends.lighting/full-program-schedul
Programmdirektor Sigfried Luger zum Kongress: „TiL 2019 is an interactive and insightful information hub created by, and for, experts in lighting design, architecture, planning and investment in order to collectively build the future of light. It is designed especially to bridge the gap between application, design and technology. Bringing together those who strive for excellence in the application of light with those who are researching and developing the technologies that will enable and drive them.”